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Home Microsoft .NET Application Development

Microsoft .NET Application Development
Microsoft .NET Application Development

.NET is a software framework developed on Visual Studio Technologies by Microsoft which facilitates end-to-end Development Platform for ASP.NET web apps, Cloud apps in Azure, Cross platform Mobile Apps (Xamarin), Desktop applications (WinForms and WPF), and Cross-Platform, open source .NET Core

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That's Me!! Rajnish Kumar Jha. Into IT world since 15+ years and still counting.. Have worked for Pioneer Companies as well as Freelance Consultant/Specialist helping (of course with IT skills) my clients to achieve their goals. I'm equally competent in enhancing technical skill as Corporate Trainer. I find Blogging, a great way to share back what I've learned all through my journey till here. I would be highly obliged to have your feedback/suggestion to enhance my presentations. Visit me @
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