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Azure DevOps
Azure DevOps

Topics includes Azure Repos, GitHub, Migrate from TFVC to Git, Git Repos, Git Branching Workflows, Pull Requests and Code Reviews, Git Hooks, Artifact Management Tools, Dependency Management, Continuous Integration with Azure Pipelines, Application Config and Secrets, Code Quality and Security Policies, SonarCloud, OWASP, Container Build Strategy, Implement Containers using Docker, Artifact Versioning, Security and Compliance, Release and Deployment, Release Pipeline, Agent/Agent Queue/Agent Pool, Release Gate, Deployment Pattern [Canary Releases, Dark Launching, A/B Testing, Progressive Exposure Deployment, Blue Green Deployment]

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That's Me!! Rajnish Kumar Jha. Into IT world since 15+ years and still counting.. Have worked for Pioneer Companies as well as Freelance Consultant/Specialist helping (of course with IT skills) my clients to achieve their goals. I'm equally competent in enhancing technical skill as Corporate Trainer. I find Blogging, a great way to share back what I've learned all through my journey till here. I would be highly obliged to have your feedback/suggestion to enhance my presentations. Visit me @
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